May...Spring time! Yard work! The end of our Fiscal Year blitz! More yard work! Rugby! More yard work! BEAUTIFUL weather...this year anyway!
It's a GREAT time of year...yet more yard work!
We replaced the playground mulch in our playground area. Spread 45 yards of decorative mulch in our growing inventory of garden space (Mom did most of that!!). Planted LOTS of flowers and plants.
We also replaced our trampoline with a slightly larger one...that has the webbed enclosure. Can't keep grandkids safe enough, I always say!
We added a "baby" swing to the play set and repaired the rope swing.
Mom has turned our yard into an Eden...it's beautiful...just like her!
Everyone is generally well. Jordan gradudates on 5/30...it can't come soon enough for him!
We love you ALL!!!
1 comment:
Yeah!!! You have returned to the world of blogging. I have missed your thoughts for the day and the little updates dad, welcome back. We love you lots, can't wait to walk in Eden in July!
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