Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Ok so who said it was okay that when Ally was 14 she could be taller than me.

This- now I guess I can be called "little Mama" time just goes by way to fast. Parents enjoy your little ones the grow up fast. I was told that when our 4 younger ones were small and I had taken them all grocery shopping with me. Well you can imagine they were all over the store and when someone said that to me, I wanted to laugh in their face. Having older kids have to easier than this- yes they get older but their problems and issues just change to match their size.
Now with the boys- I don't think any will pass Dad. Danny will give it a good try.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Dad again!

Hey! This was a great week! I spent Wednesday evening w/Troy and Kristin and then Thursday evening and Friday with my parents while in the Atlanta area for work!

It was GREAT!!!!

I watched my first episode of "Fringe" w/the Wardwell's and I swapped stories w/my parents.

Thanks for the memories!!!

Quote for the day:

"Don't give up what you really want for what you want today!" Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Here are some more of the pictures that Ally and I took, the one on the left is deep in the woods. There looks like there is a trail, not sure if it is the one that Bill Prebble made back there or not, this is my favorite time of the year for the woods, as the ground gets its blanket of leaves and you can actually walk back there without fear of poison ivy. Now when the snow falls that creates another kind of beauty, espically when the deer are back there-as long as they still in the woods and not come and eat my tender plants.

We played around with different settings, these are kind of dark but they are still pretty. No wonder my house is a wreck, when I have this to look at for just a short time in the span of the fall season.


Ally and I are having fun taking different pictures of the yard. This is what I see when I look out the back window. When the sun shines on the leaves everything takes on a orange hue. It is absolutely beautiful and pictures can't show even 10% of the beauty that is around us.

A lot of the hostas have turned this yellow color, I really prefer this to the brown. Our newest Maple that we put in about 3 years ago is one of the latest to get its red color, while most of the other tree have already lost their leaves the maples are hanging in there.

Ally is turning into quite the little photographer (not so little though I think she is as tall as me now) I thought this was a cool picture.