Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Carvin' those pumpkins

The time had come to put on the Christmas Music, get out the carving sets and get down to the yuck and muck. It was a little quiet this year, everyone just got down to doing there thing. I felt a little left out this year, NO ONE needed my help. Wow, after 28 years of doing pumpkins, I had nothing to do, but take pictures and play computer games as the kids got down to carving their masterpieces

So the Pictures are out of order, but please be patient with me, I'm still a beginner, someday it will all go the right way, but anyway, back to the Pumpkins. I was saying to the kids that I didn't have anything to do. Todd said to me "You could of carved your own pumpkin" Do you think????? Maybe next year, when there is only 2 kids at home.

Now I have all the guts of the pumpkins in the frig in the garage, waiting for me to clean them up and salt the seeds. Yummmm, luckliy this can wait for a couple of days. I don't have young children that need me all the time. But other things just seem to fill up my time. Now when will I get to the apples that are sitting in the garage?????

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Today October 25th, 2008 is in honor of Hobie- Hobie was put to sleep today after having suffered from a large tumor on the side of his neck for a good part of a year, but lately he lost all the hair on the tumor and it started coming out with bumps and then the bumps started ozzing, after many thoughtful hours we came to the conculsion that this needed to end. He was suffering and it was time to stop.
Sometimes Hobie was a pain, he would jump up on the counter when no one was around and then sheepishly look away when someone walked into the room, he knew he had did something wrong, but the lure of the food was just to great.

Then there were the times that he would steal food off your plate you when left it for a second or two. Then there was the cat hair everywhere, we are just truely amazed that he was advertised as a short hair male cat- male he was- and he even had hair, but short it wasn't. The 12 years he lived with us hold many good memories, he loved to cuddle and be petted, though he would drool if petted to long. He loved to lick you, especially if you were a little sweaty (he loved the salt) He loved to play with strings and plastic bags and chase after the laser light. He let you know when he wanted to be fed and would often be found by my (Mom) chair whenever we ate dinner.

We will miss this member of our family, though now it will be safe to let small children loose and not worry about an animal that didn't like anyone close to his size.

Hobie will be buried on Monday, in the back under a tree. He loved to roam back there and would often hide under the Hostas waiting for an unsuspecting squrriel or chipmonk. So in his honor we will plant a hosta over his grave. He will truely be missed.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Ghost in the Graveyard?

Ever since we lived in Fairfield Farms where fine families find fun-and the Yargers put up the hand holding ghosts. I had wanted to do the same thing. But I figured it would cost a lot and take a lot of time to put together, but, this was the year, I found sheets at a really good price and then was able to obtain the dowl rods and styrofoam balls. It took me less than 45 minutes to make them. The hard part was working around the tree roots. It looks pretty cool so cool that the doorbell rang a couple of days ago and there was a teenage girl there, she said her name was Ashley and could she take pictures of some of our Halloween decorations for her AP Photography class. I told her yes, she immediately went to to my ghosts. At night, because I purposely put them around one of the landscaping lights they light up, sort of ghostly looking. The effect in the picture isn't as cool as the real thing and looking out of Ally's bedroom window they really look awesome. Wrong thing for Ally to see, I don't thing she has looked out her window since I put them up.

Friday, October 10, 2008

The red walnut picture!!!

Ok here is the long awaited red walnut picture. That thing stayed up there for more than a day, kind of weird.

A big thank you to Kristin

Ok the last post was to read as the above read, but, my wonderful lap top is so sensitive that all of a sudden I had posted my blog with out finishing it. So here is the story to the last picture. When we were out in Utah for Kristin and Troy's wedding we had the oppurtunity to go to one of Gavin's soccer games, boy did it bring back memories. He is so like his father, though if I might say, a little more dramatic. Course, Nathan, may not of thought of it, but Gavin did. He got to show that he was hurt and very dramatic like. We loved t and who cares how he played, he is our Grandson and we love him and loved watching him play or should I say lay on the ground and hold different body parts that he felt was hurt. It was great. We love our family!!!!!!

ABGavin and Soccer

So this is my big Thank you to Kristin who talked me through on how to put pictures on this blog. Maybe now I will write more (me/Mom) now that I can make it a little more exciting. Anyway on to the story.