I love the fact that the last pictures you pick are the first to go on the blog- I don't think I will ever get this down. And I'm sure that I have already posted most of these. Which I say "so what" at least I'm blogging. And I want to remind all those you have commented about my lack of blogging- let me just remind you just who started this blog- it wasn't me, ok, now that that is over. I am finally home, not going any place until a week from Friday when we head down to Atlanta to see Brynley blessed. I had the realization (is that even a word?) that Dad and I will have seen all of our Granddaugthers blessed this year, that is so cool. Anyways- I love this picture of Ezra, he is so intent in what he is looking at, I'm sure it is the watermellon as that had all the kids looking. At this time we had the Maten's staying with us. It was hard to keep all the kids away from the little watermelon.

Alas, it really hasn't grown much more than this and some animal even ate one. Hey it's our first attempt at growing watermelon, the tomatoes are doing well and providing us with enough for every day eating- got loves those BLTs.

Swimming at our Pool at the hotel when we took Jordan to the MTC. Out to eat for Jordan's last supper.

Oh my, has Ashlyn grown since this picture, she now has what we affectionately call Thunder Thighs. Why is it so cute on a baby and so NOT on me.
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