Saturday, March 13, 2010

A VERY quiet Saturday

The clouds hang low in the sky.
Rain drizzles down in fits and starts.
It's in the 50's.
Danny is in Nashville for Nash Bash.
Todd's on his way to Florida.
Mom's not feeling well.
Ally's learning about her new phone.
It's VERY quiet!

So I'm using the time to get caught up on important things that don't always get down in the rush to deal with the urgent.

Last night, Mom and I were watching a DVR of our favorite show - NCIS. during a commercial, we were talking and she reached down, gently pulled my head up to hers (I was on the floor, she on the couch) and gave me the most wonderful, soft, loving kiss. It melted my heart and reminded me yet again how blessed I am to be able to be her husband. It was heavenly!

Thanks to Troy & Kristin for letting Todd & his buds spend the night last night. You guys ROCK!!


Troy & Kristin said...

Yeah, we do. But we learned how to rock from our parents. :) You gus are too cute.

adespain said...

I don't know how I was when I was little but growing up, I always liked that you guys kissed in front of us. I liked seeing that affection.