Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A snowy Wednesday

We received 3" of snow this was cold so the snow was very fluffy! It gave me the chance to use our snow blower (since we purchased it this year, I've looked for chances to "blow snow"!!!). After I got done w/ours, I did our neighbors (Ramey's) because they both work during the day.

I made a difference in the world today by telling your Mom that she was BEAUTIFUL (and by changing a light bulb for her). Remember to make a difference in the world...everyday (the world is as small or as large as you choose to see it!).

My sinuses and tooth are doing GREAT! Thanks for asking!



adespain said...

I am glad you are feeling better Dad, and I am jealous you guys got snow. That is one thing that I miss, snow...

Kohl said...

We haven't had snow from almost two weeks and it is great! We can actually see the end of our driveway and the mud (not grass... sigh..) in the front yard. Glad you guys got the moisture. We don't want anymore! :)