Monday, March 31, 2008

Rainy Days and Mondays...


It is Monday and it is raining...occasional Thunder showers.

I went to the Doctor this a.m. and was diagnosed w/Bronchial Pneumonia. Stiff antibiotics and some congestion relief and I should be feeling better in a day or 2.

I felt so bad yesterday that I missed Church.

We had a great family home evening...Dan picked "Down by the river" as our song (Jordan doesn't like it but he accepted it), Todd gave a lesson out of the Ensign about getting the most out of General Conference. Jordan picked Rummikub for the activity, and Ally took us to Maggie Moo's for refreshments. EVERYONE kept the spirit about them and we had a GREAT time! Family Home Evening is WORTH the effort.

Quote for the day...

"It's not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." Charles Darwin

I use this a TON @ work...because what we do is all about dealing with change. BUT...I think it really applies to us as well. While the Gospel contains truths that are CONSTANT, life changes, marriage, chlidren, politics, economics...etc. Our ability to stay tightly anchored to truth and adapt to the changes around the world, not of the world, is a determining factor in our eternal "survival".

Happy Birthday, Michelle Elizabeth Kohl!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Kohl said...

Sounds like you have the sickness that we are fighting although ours is only a viral thing. We all had to miss church on Sunday too. Liam sounds the worst with that awful yucky cough. Hope you feel better soon. There is Nothing like a Spring cold to make you want warmer weather soon.