Today October 25th, 2008 is in honor of Hobie- Hobie was put to sleep today after having suffered from a large tumor on the side of his neck for a good part of a year, but lately he lost all the hair on the tumor and it started coming out with bumps and then the bumps started ozzing, after many thoughtful hours we came to the conculsion that this needed to end. He was suffering and it was time to stop.

Then there were the times that he would steal food off your plate you when left it for a second or two. Then there was the cat hair everywhere, we are just truely amazed that he was advertised as a short hair male cat- male he was- and he even had hair, but short it wasn't. The 12 years he lived with us hold many good memories, he loved to cuddle and be petted, though he would drool if petted to long. He loved to lick you, especially if you were a little sweaty (he loved the salt) He loved to play with strings and plastic bags and chase after the laser light. He let you know when he wanted to be fed and would often be found by my (Mom) chair whenever we ate dinner.
I am glad his suffering has ended
I must be a hormonal wreck because I found myself trying not to cry reading your post. I guess it is because I have been through the loss of a cat way too many times. I'm sad Hobie is gone. The kids will miss him at Christmas, but I am glad he is not suffering anymore. Thanks for sharing.
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