Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Now with the boys- I don't think any will pass Dad. Danny will give it a good try.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Dad again!
Hey! This was a great week! I spent Wednesday evening w/Troy and Kristin and then Thursday evening and Friday with my parents while in the Atlanta area for work!
It was GREAT!!!!
I watched my first episode of "Fringe" w/the Wardwell's and I swapped stories w/my parents.
Thanks for the memories!!!
Quote for the day:
"Don't give up what you really want for what you want today!" Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley
It was GREAT!!!!
I watched my first episode of "Fringe" w/the Wardwell's and I swapped stories w/my parents.
Thanks for the memories!!!
Quote for the day:
"Don't give up what you really want for what you want today!" Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Carvin' those pumpkins
So the Pictures are out of order, but please be patient with me, I'm still a beginner, someday it will all go the right way, but anyway, back to the Pumpkins. I was saying to the kids that I didn't have anything to do. Todd said to me "You could of carved your own pumpkin" Do you think????? Maybe next year, when there is only 2 kids at home.
Now I have all the guts of the pumpkins in the frig in the garage, waiting for me to clean them up and salt the seeds. Yummmm, luckliy this can wait for a couple of days. I don't have young children that need me all the time. But other things just seem to fill up my time. Now when will I get to the apples that are sitting in the garage?????
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Today October 25th, 2008 is in honor of Hobie- Hobie was put to sleep today after having suffered from a large tumor on the side of his neck for a good part of a year, but lately he lost all the hair on the tumor and it started coming out with bumps and then the bumps started ozzing, after many thoughtful hours we came to the conculsion that this needed to end. He was suffering and it was time to stop.

Then there were the times that he would steal food off your plate you when left it for a second or two. Then there was the cat hair everywhere, we are just truely amazed that he was advertised as a short hair male cat- male he was- and he even had hair, but short it wasn't. The 12 years he lived with us hold many good memories, he loved to cuddle and be petted, though he would drool if petted to long. He loved to lick you, especially if you were a little sweaty (he loved the salt) He loved to play with strings and plastic bags and chase after the laser light. He let you know when he wanted to be fed and would often be found by my (Mom) chair whenever we ate dinner.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Ghost in the Graveyard?
Friday, October 10, 2008
The red walnut picture!!!
A big thank you to Kristin
Ok the last post was to read as the above read, but, my wonderful lap top is so sensitive that all of a sudden I had posted my blog with out finishing it. So here is the story to the last picture. When we were out in Utah for Kristin and Troy's wedding we had the oppurtunity to go to one of Gavin's soccer games, boy did it bring back memories. He is so like his father, though if I might say, a little more dramatic. Course, Nathan, may not of thought of it, but Gavin did. He got to show that he was hurt and very dramatic like. We loved t and who cares how he played, he is our Grandson and we love him and loved watching him play or should I say lay on the ground and hold different body parts that he felt was hurt. It was great. We love our family!!!!!!
ABGavin and Soccer
Monday, September 22, 2008
That shoe on the wall shouldn't be there at all.
It all started Sunday morning at 7:30ish am. We got a pleasant wake up call from a very happy little guy, with another one in the background. Though he wouldn't say anything to us, we knew he was happy just to have his Mom's cell phone. The morning continued to be normal, Dad got up and started on his sunday school lesson (how he can do it in just one sitting I will never know and the morning of) I, Mom got up and took my shower, got Ally up to take hers while I did my hair. It continued normal, we ate breakfast, I even had time to read the paper and start the puzzles. Dad had gone up stairs, suddenly he called me up, telling me, he knew it was a bother, but he needed me. I came up the stairs, when I got to the room he had me close my eyes. He guided me to his desk and then told me to open my eyes and look out a certain window. I opened my eyes and there on a high tree branch was a red walnut?- no, not a red walnut, but a red TOMATO!!!!! After a good laugh and my running downstairs to get the camera, we took a picture, now I'm sure everyone would like to see the tomato on the tree branch, but alas, I have yet to figure out how to post a picture on this wonderful blog. I decided that it was probably better that I just write this time, rather than try once again to post a picture and get frustrated and do nothing at all, since it has been a rather long time since the last time Dad blogged. Now back to the tomato, earlier we had watched a chipmonk grab the last few remaining tomatoes that were on the ground and scamper up in Big Bertha. Not realizing that it had just set one of the tomatoes on a branch. Dad did say later that it came back and took a couple of bites and then left it. Even this morning it is still there. I wonder if the chipmonk is looking for salt to go with it!!!!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
What a jouney!!!
It's been an adventurous 2 weeks!!!
Todd and I left Indianapolis @ 8:00 p.m. EDT on Sunday, 6/22 and drove straight through to SLC. We made it @ about 4:45 p.m. MDT...nearly 23 hours later. We had the van set up with a bed in the back (only had our bags in car top carrier and some boxes for Nate), so we alternated driving and resting. I don't hink I could have done it w/out Todd...THX, son!!!
We spent several days in Syracuse, UT w/Nate and his fam, bought Shelley a car, had dinner w/Nate's fam and the girls @ Macaroni grill, packed up Kris's belongings and then just kicked back and relaxed for a few days.
Laurel and Ally had flown out the week before. On Friday, 6/27 we packed up the car (our stuff and Kristin's...it was TIGHT!) and set out for Atlanta. Our first stop was Topeka, KS for the night. We had a SMOOTH journey. I was AMAZED to so clearly see why the star spangled banner uses the phrase..."amber waves of grain". It's EVERYWHERE this time of year in Kansas. Golden and beautiful.
We left early the next morning and made it to Newnan, GA (just SE of Atlanta) by 9:45 p.m. Saturday night. We drove through a WHOPPER of a thunderstorm between Chattanooga and Atlanta. One side benefit was that the MAJOR bug layer on the front of the ca and car top carrie was washed right off!!
We attended church w/Kristin, her fianceTroy Wardwell and much of the Wardwell family in thier son Trent's ward...he's the Bishop. After church, we unloaded Kristin's stuff @ Troy's cond0 (CLEARLY a bachelor's abode!) and spent the afternoon w/the Wardy's. That evening, we went up to my sister Margie's and spent the evening w/my folks (who came over for a visit) and Margie's fam. She had baked a cake that looked like a cupcake for Todd's bd...which we celebrated there.
Monday was "spend the day w/the Kohl's" day. Todd, Ally and Grant (Margie and Biil's youngest) spent 4 hours @ White Water doing the water slides. The adults chatted, shopped and relaxed.
Tuesday morning we packed up the car yet again (but there was WAY more room!) and headed home. We arrived @ about 5:00 p.m.
4400 miles later, we were done w/an AMAZING trip!
It's great to be home!!!
Thought for the day...when you can afford one, get a GPS...they are OUTSTANDING!!!
Todd and I left Indianapolis @ 8:00 p.m. EDT on Sunday, 6/22 and drove straight through to SLC. We made it @ about 4:45 p.m. MDT...nearly 23 hours later. We had the van set up with a bed in the back (only had our bags in car top carrier and some boxes for Nate), so we alternated driving and resting. I don't hink I could have done it w/out Todd...THX, son!!!
We spent several days in Syracuse, UT w/Nate and his fam, bought Shelley a car, had dinner w/Nate's fam and the girls @ Macaroni grill, packed up Kris's belongings and then just kicked back and relaxed for a few days.
Laurel and Ally had flown out the week before. On Friday, 6/27 we packed up the car (our stuff and Kristin's...it was TIGHT!) and set out for Atlanta. Our first stop was Topeka, KS for the night. We had a SMOOTH journey. I was AMAZED to so clearly see why the star spangled banner uses the phrase..."amber waves of grain". It's EVERYWHERE this time of year in Kansas. Golden and beautiful.
We left early the next morning and made it to Newnan, GA (just SE of Atlanta) by 9:45 p.m. Saturday night. We drove through a WHOPPER of a thunderstorm between Chattanooga and Atlanta. One side benefit was that the MAJOR bug layer on the front of the ca and car top carrie was washed right off!!
We attended church w/Kristin, her fianceTroy Wardwell and much of the Wardwell family in thier son Trent's ward...he's the Bishop. After church, we unloaded Kristin's stuff @ Troy's cond0 (CLEARLY a bachelor's abode!) and spent the afternoon w/the Wardy's. That evening, we went up to my sister Margie's and spent the evening w/my folks (who came over for a visit) and Margie's fam. She had baked a cake that looked like a cupcake for Todd's bd...which we celebrated there.
Monday was "spend the day w/the Kohl's" day. Todd, Ally and Grant (Margie and Biil's youngest) spent 4 hours @ White Water doing the water slides. The adults chatted, shopped and relaxed.
Tuesday morning we packed up the car yet again (but there was WAY more room!) and headed home. We arrived @ about 5:00 p.m.
4400 miles later, we were done w/an AMAZING trip!
It's great to be home!!!
Thought for the day...when you can afford one, get a GPS...they are OUTSTANDING!!!
Friday, June 20, 2008
A journey begins...
Mom and Ally left today to visit the fam in Utah! Danny is at a LDS Encampment. Jordan, Todd and I are trying to decide who will make the stroganoff. I think it's going to be me!!!
I'm going to fry my noodles!
I just feel blessed for all the wonderous things that are happening in my life right now...Krisitin is engaged to a man who is named after an ancient city. Jordan is enrolled @ the "Y". Ally likes Chase. Todd is becoming the world's great WOW player. Danny has his drives license. Mom is a foxy babe. Shelley is getting a new car. Nate and Shauna have a shady patio. Andy and Anna live in a sata bigger than many countries.
Sooo many blessings!
Thought for the day...never stop dreaming...while you work to make those dreams some true.
I'm going to fry my noodles!
I just feel blessed for all the wonderous things that are happening in my life right now...Krisitin is engaged to a man who is named after an ancient city. Jordan is enrolled @ the "Y". Ally likes Chase. Todd is becoming the world's great WOW player. Danny has his drives license. Mom is a foxy babe. Shelley is getting a new car. Nate and Shauna have a shady patio. Andy and Anna live in a sata bigger than many countries.
Sooo many blessings!
Thought for the day...never stop dreaming...while you work to make those dreams some true.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Another BEAUTIFUL Saturday
Today was a wonderful, beautiful, busy day.
Mom and I accomplished LOTS, Jordan and Dan went to the "Mormon Prom" (it's where they are right now...pictures to follow). Ally played with friends all day. Todd played video games and didn't come out of the basement much at all (although he did cut the front yard).
We're winding down now...bed sound REALLY good!
Thought for the day...
Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of our lives.
Mom and I accomplished LOTS, Jordan and Dan went to the "Mormon Prom" (it's where they are right now...pictures to follow). Ally played with friends all day. Todd played video games and didn't come out of the basement much at all (although he did cut the front yard).
We're winding down now...bed sound REALLY good!
Thought for the day...
Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of our lives.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
May Madness!!!!
Thought for the day...

May...Spring time! Yard work! The end of our Fiscal Year blitz! More yard work! Rugby! More yard work! BEAUTIFUL weather...this year anyway!
It's a GREAT time of year...yet more yard work!
We replaced the playground mulch in our playground area. Spread 45 yards of decorative mulch in our growing inventory of garden space (Mom did most of that!!). Planted LOTS of flowers and plants.
We also replaced our trampoline with a slightly larger one...that has the webbed enclosure. Can't keep grandkids safe enough, I always say!
We added a "baby" swing to the play set and repaired the rope swing.
Mom has turned our yard into an Eden...it's beautiful...just like her!
Everyone is generally well. Jordan gradudates on 5/30...it can't come soon enough for him!
We love you ALL!!!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Saturday is a special day...
What a GREAT day!
I played basketball this morning @ 7:00 am. I LOVE assists and I had some great ones! Assists are like service...helping those around you be better!
This morning there were 3 High School kids there...not members. They were commenting on my size and joking about trying to get taller. I told them the Crisco joke. They laughed!!!!!!!!!
It wasn't supposed to be nice enough to work outside...but it was, so Mom and I worked outside. I pressure washed the deck, patio and bird feeders. Momma edged in preparation for mulch.
When I work in the yard, I often think...deeply. Today was no different. I've been troubled by several things @ work and I decided on a course of action. I was also able to appreciate how great this planet really is...what a miracle! Truely a gift from our Heavenly Father.
Thought for the day...
Always be "becoming" something...
I played basketball this morning @ 7:00 am. I LOVE assists and I had some great ones! Assists are like service...helping those around you be better!
This morning there were 3 High School kids there...not members. They were commenting on my size and joking about trying to get taller. I told them the Crisco joke. They laughed!!!!!!!!!
It wasn't supposed to be nice enough to work outside...but it was, so Mom and I worked outside. I pressure washed the deck, patio and bird feeders. Momma edged in preparation for mulch.
When I work in the yard, I often think...deeply. Today was no different. I've been troubled by several things @ work and I decided on a course of action. I was also able to appreciate how great this planet really is...what a miracle! Truely a gift from our Heavenly Father.
Thought for the day...
Always be "becoming" something...
Friday, April 18, 2008
“We felt the earth move under our feet.” Wow, what a wake up call, or would have been if we were still in bed. We had an earthquake this morning at 5:39am. Jordan thought he must be sick as the mirror was moving and it doesn’t normally. Danny had his head underwater and didn’t hear or feel to much. Todd and Ally were both asleep, but for this to happen right now for Ally is pretty neat as her science class is teaching about earthquakes, she was happy not to be awake. Dad was upstairs and I was in the kitchen, I had just turned off the mixer (making cinnamon bread) it sounded like a big wind gust, the windows rattled and rattled, I thought maybe Dad had fallen down or something. then I heard him come down the stairs. It was kind of weird. But now we have had nothing but items about the earthquake on the local news and they even pre-empted the Today show. Wow! 5.4. Cool!!!!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
A Willing Tax Payer!
Finally! Done!!
VERY small Federal return. Larger State payment.
Always worry how it will come out...but not enough to estimate throughout the year!
I firmly believe it's a blessing to be a conservative taxpayer.
We had a chilly, rainy day. Had enough dry time to replace 3 steps on the deck. More need to be done.
Mom worked outside ALL day long yesterday...because it was BEAUTIFUL and spring-like and she LOVEs to work in the yard.
Thought for the day...
Augusta National is one BEAUTIFUL spot on this wonderful planet that the Lord has given us.
VERY small Federal return. Larger State payment.
Always worry how it will come out...but not enough to estimate throughout the year!
I firmly believe it's a blessing to be a conservative taxpayer.
We had a chilly, rainy day. Had enough dry time to replace 3 steps on the deck. More need to be done.
Mom worked outside ALL day long yesterday...because it was BEAUTIFUL and spring-like and she LOVEs to work in the yard.
Thought for the day...
Augusta National is one BEAUTIFUL spot on this wonderful planet that the Lord has given us.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Home and Happy!
It's Friday morning...the grass is VERY green (fertilized before we left on vacation!), the daffodils are out, we have some tulips blooming, the wind is blowing and it's in the 60's!
It's GREAT to be home.
Yesterday, the fam invested in a Time Share vacation home through Starwood Vacation Properties. Two weeks a year of a 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath condo. Sleeps 6 easily. We can use the time anywhere @ any time, based on availability. It's the fam's. we'll figure out a way to sahre it w/all.
Thought for the day...
Tomorrow always comes...so work hard @ and make the most of today and your tomorrow's will always be the BEST they can be!
It's GREAT to be home.
Yesterday, the fam invested in a Time Share vacation home through Starwood Vacation Properties. Two weeks a year of a 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath condo. Sleeps 6 easily. We can use the time anywhere @ any time, based on availability. It's the fam's. we'll figure out a way to sahre it w/all.
Thought for the day...
Tomorrow always comes...so work hard @ and make the most of today and your tomorrow's will always be the BEST they can be!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Disney and the Universe
What a GREAT 3 days!!!!!
We spent Monday and Tuesday on the Disney campus, visiting the Magic Kingdom, Disney Studios and Epcot.
We rode all the cool rides, walked over 12,000 steps each day and had a GREAT time. My favorite ride was the Tower of Terror @ Disney Studios...I kept my eyes closed the whole ride and had a GREAT time!!!!! =)
Today, we spent the day @ Universal's Islands of Adventure...again riding all the cool rides...the Incredible Hulk roller coaster, the Spiderman 3D ride and LOTs of other rides. Ally, Mom and I we on a VERY wet rafting ride...then Ally and I went again.
Tomorrow, we're going back (our flights not until 8:00 pm).
The weather has been GREAT.
We're looking forward to going home tomorrow.
While we were sunning in Florida, our daughter Kristin was getting to know a young man our family has known for his whole life...he and Kristin were born in Detroit, MI. Kinda cool!
This evening, our family donated to the American Idol "giving back" charity. We fet good doing it!!!
Quote for the day...
"Don't give up what you really want for what you want today." Gordon B. Hinckley
We spent Monday and Tuesday on the Disney campus, visiting the Magic Kingdom, Disney Studios and Epcot.
We rode all the cool rides, walked over 12,000 steps each day and had a GREAT time. My favorite ride was the Tower of Terror @ Disney Studios...I kept my eyes closed the whole ride and had a GREAT time!!!!! =)
Today, we spent the day @ Universal's Islands of Adventure...again riding all the cool rides...the Incredible Hulk roller coaster, the Spiderman 3D ride and LOTs of other rides. Ally, Mom and I we on a VERY wet rafting ride...then Ally and I went again.
Tomorrow, we're going back (our flights not until 8:00 pm).
The weather has been GREAT.
We're looking forward to going home tomorrow.
While we were sunning in Florida, our daughter Kristin was getting to know a young man our family has known for his whole life...he and Kristin were born in Detroit, MI. Kinda cool!
This evening, our family donated to the American Idol "giving back" charity. We fet good doing it!!!
Quote for the day...
"Don't give up what you really want for what you want today." Gordon B. Hinckley
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Florida Feelings!
We're here!
We're staying @ a Sheraton Vacation Resort. Lots of room. Cool place! Has a kitchen.
Our first night here, we ate @ Bennigan's and shopped @ the most crowded WalMart I have ever shopped.
We're driving over the the beach today...wish us luck.
Quote for the day..."Rebel agaist the machine...before it's too late" Nathan Kohl (before he bacame Nate Kohl)
It's too late.
We're staying @ a Sheraton Vacation Resort. Lots of room. Cool place! Has a kitchen.
Our first night here, we ate @ Bennigan's and shopped @ the most crowded WalMart I have ever shopped.
We're driving over the the beach today...wish us luck.
Quote for the day..."Rebel agaist the machine...before it's too late" Nathan Kohl (before he bacame Nate Kohl)
It's too late.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Rainy Days and Mondays...
It is Monday and it is raining...occasional Thunder showers.
I went to the Doctor this a.m. and was diagnosed w/Bronchial Pneumonia. Stiff antibiotics and some congestion relief and I should be feeling better in a day or 2.
I felt so bad yesterday that I missed Church.
We had a great family home evening...Dan picked "Down by the river" as our song (Jordan doesn't like it but he accepted it), Todd gave a lesson out of the Ensign about getting the most out of General Conference. Jordan picked Rummikub for the activity, and Ally took us to Maggie Moo's for refreshments. EVERYONE kept the spirit about them and we had a GREAT time! Family Home Evening is WORTH the effort.
Quote for the day...
"It's not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." Charles Darwin
I use this a TON @ work...because what we do is all about dealing with change. BUT...I think it really applies to us as well. While the Gospel contains truths that are CONSTANT, life changes constantly...school, marriage, chlidren, politics, economics...etc. Our ability to stay tightly anchored to truth and adapt to the changes around us...in the world, not of the world, is a determining factor in our eternal "survival".
Happy Birthday, Michelle Elizabeth Kohl!!!!!!!!!
It is Monday and it is raining...occasional Thunder showers.
I went to the Doctor this a.m. and was diagnosed w/Bronchial Pneumonia. Stiff antibiotics and some congestion relief and I should be feeling better in a day or 2.
I felt so bad yesterday that I missed Church.
We had a great family home evening...Dan picked "Down by the river" as our song (Jordan doesn't like it but he accepted it), Todd gave a lesson out of the Ensign about getting the most out of General Conference. Jordan picked Rummikub for the activity, and Ally took us to Maggie Moo's for refreshments. EVERYONE kept the spirit about them and we had a GREAT time! Family Home Evening is WORTH the effort.
Quote for the day...
"It's not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." Charles Darwin
I use this a TON @ work...because what we do is all about dealing with change. BUT...I think it really applies to us as well. While the Gospel contains truths that are CONSTANT, life changes constantly...school, marriage, chlidren, politics, economics...etc. Our ability to stay tightly anchored to truth and adapt to the changes around us...in the world, not of the world, is a determining factor in our eternal "survival".
Happy Birthday, Michelle Elizabeth Kohl!!!!!!!!!
Friday, March 21, 2008
A talentless cabbage goes to a talent show
Tonight is the Noblesville Ward talent show...and for the first time I can remember, our family has NO one entered.
Perhaps I could go and exhibit my talent for embarassing my children? Maybe I could talk to (OK, lecture) my children...I do have THAT talent! Why not sing the first 4 words of 100 songs in less than 10 minutes? Or, I could display my talent to "NOT listen when my family needs someone to listen and then try to solve their problem". I guess I could show the HUGE lint ball I've collected from lint I dig out of my belly button each night.
Does the world have any suggestions?
Quote for the day...
"If you can't state your position in eight words or less, you don't have a position." Seth Godin
I guess I don't have any positions!!!
Perhaps I could go and exhibit my talent for embarassing my children? Maybe I could talk to (OK, lecture) my children...I do have THAT talent! Why not sing the first 4 words of 100 songs in less than 10 minutes? Or, I could display my talent to "NOT listen when my family needs someone to listen and then try to solve their problem". I guess I could show the HUGE lint ball I've collected from lint I dig out of my belly button each night.
Does the world have any suggestions?
Quote for the day...
"If you can't state your position in eight words or less, you don't have a position." Seth Godin
I guess I don't have any positions!!!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Getting caught up!
Several weks ago, Jordan, Danny and I went to Nashville, TN for the NASH BASH Rugby event. this is Danny "moving in for the tackle". Note the mohawk haircut on the other player...a tradition for NASH BASH that Danny ignored.
This is Jordan catching a kick! It's an AMAZING testimonial to how far the boys have come since their "gangly youth" that he is actually makes LOTS of great catches.
When the ball goes out of bounds, the players take turns giving each other a wedgie puttin gthe ball back into play
It's Saturday night, 3/15/08. Mom had a Stake Activity Day activity. I was the shuttle bus. Dan and Jordan played Rugby. Todd baked "puffins". Ally baked cookies. We went out to eat @ Steak and Shake...I had a Frisco melt. Upon our return, we watched "Dan in real life"...and enjoyable movie. Don't forget to enjoy life!!!!!
Quote for the day..."Don't give up what you really want for what you want today" President Gordon B. Hinckley
Friday, March 7, 2008
It's a Frigid but Fantastic Friday!
It's GREAT to be home!
Quote for the day:
"And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain." Matthew 5:41
I've been struugling with some Leadership opportunities @ work...feeling a bit like I'm over my head. It's been frustrating. I've allowed it to get me down. For the first time in a LONG time, I haven't been sure about what actions to take.
I was reading last night and was reminded to "...seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be addeed unto you." Matthew 6:33 (and Luke, 3 Nephi & Doctrine & Covenants). It felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I felt light and happy for the first itme in days!
It's a blessing to have the Gospel of Jesus Christ as an active part of my life. If I seek the Lord first, I'll find the answers I need!
So that's what I'm doing!! =)
I hope all is well w/everyone. The Indiana Cabbage sure love you LOTS!!!
Quote for the day:
"And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain." Matthew 5:41
I've been struugling with some Leadership opportunities @ work...feeling a bit like I'm over my head. It's been frustrating. I've allowed it to get me down. For the first time in a LONG time, I haven't been sure about what actions to take.
I was reading last night and was reminded to "...seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be addeed unto you." Matthew 6:33 (and Luke, 3 Nephi & Doctrine & Covenants). It felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I felt light and happy for the first itme in days!
It's a blessing to have the Gospel of Jesus Christ as an active part of my life. If I seek the Lord first, I'll find the answers I need!
So that's what I'm doing!! =)
I hope all is well w/everyone. The Indiana Cabbage sure love you LOTS!!!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Change is coming!!!
60 degrees, cloudy, blustery. It was a BEAUTIFUL week-end...both in Nashville (Nash Bash) and Indy. Mom said I even got a bit of sun...hard to tell, though. The temp's supposed to plummet this eveing and we have winter storm watches in effect!
March is a CHANGABLE time of year!
Nash Bash was FUN! We arrived Friday night and our Hotel had given away our rooms. We found other accomdations and woke up Saturfday morning to a crystal clear spring day!!! The team was clearly over-matched against many of the teams @ the tournament. Games 1 and 2 proved they have room to grow. Jordan and Danny played GREAT!
Sam Matern broke his left collarbone in game 2. We spent Saturday evening in the Hospital in Nashville. We started for home @ 11:00 pm and got home about 4:00 am. A LONG night!!!
He's fine and everyone enjoyed the trip!
Thoughts for the day...
1. "A year from now you may wish you had started TODAY!" Karen Lamb
2. "The most successful people are those who are good at plan B!" James Yorke
60 degrees, cloudy, blustery. It was a BEAUTIFUL week-end...both in Nashville (Nash Bash) and Indy. Mom said I even got a bit of sun...hard to tell, though. The temp's supposed to plummet this eveing and we have winter storm watches in effect!
March is a CHANGABLE time of year!
Nash Bash was FUN! We arrived Friday night and our Hotel had given away our rooms. We found other accomdations and woke up Saturfday morning to a crystal clear spring day!!! The team was clearly over-matched against many of the teams @ the tournament. Games 1 and 2 proved they have room to grow. Jordan and Danny played GREAT!
Sam Matern broke his left collarbone in game 2. We spent Saturday evening in the Hospital in Nashville. We started for home @ 11:00 pm and got home about 4:00 am. A LONG night!!!
He's fine and everyone enjoyed the trip!
Thoughts for the day...
1. "A year from now you may wish you had started TODAY!" Karen Lamb
2. "The most successful people are those who are good at plan B!" James Yorke
Friday, February 29, 2008
Nash Bashin
Jordan, Danny and I are going to Nashville, TN this afternoon for the annual "Nash Bash" Rugby tournament held @ Vanderbilt University.
I'll take pics and let everyone know how it went!
Looking forward to the trip w/the boys!!!
I'll take pics and let everyone know how it went!
Looking forward to the trip w/the boys!!!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
a Thursday @ home!
I worked from home all day today!!!
Temperature was in the low 30's and we have a melting blanket of snow in the yard.
Squirrels attacked Mom's bird feeders...just like they always do. I can tell they are out there because I can hear feet pounding across the floor and out onto the deck as Mom scares them away...it's quite funny to listen to!!!
Todd & I shared "Penn Station" subs for lunch...bad for you be REALLY tasty!
When I'm home, one of my favorites things to do (besides look @ Mom) is to day dream about things I'd like to do to the house...
- Make Daniel's closet into an office that opens into our room (and is walled off from his). There is a 4 ft space between the back of his bathroom and the garage attic that could be his closet!)
- Make the attic above the foyer into a loft...with stairs going up on Ally's bedroom wall
- Make the deck into a year round "Florida room"
- Open up the Family room/Kitchen area and use part of the Dining room as a pantry
- Re-fiinish the basement and open up the stairs to the basement on the first floor...get rid of the doors and walls...use railings
- A deck out in the woods (this one WILL happen...someday!)
It's cool to have dreams...and still be able to enjoy them with the knowledge that most just aren't practical.
Quote for the day (a favorite)..."You miss 100% of the shots you never take" Wayne Gretzky
Temperature was in the low 30's and we have a melting blanket of snow in the yard.
Squirrels attacked Mom's bird feeders...just like they always do. I can tell they are out there because I can hear feet pounding across the floor and out onto the deck as Mom scares them away...it's quite funny to listen to!!!
Todd & I shared "Penn Station" subs for lunch...bad for you be REALLY tasty!
When I'm home, one of my favorites things to do (besides look @ Mom) is to day dream about things I'd like to do to the house...
- Make Daniel's closet into an office that opens into our room (and is walled off from his). There is a 4 ft space between the back of his bathroom and the garage attic that could be his closet!)
- Make the attic above the foyer into a loft...with stairs going up on Ally's bedroom wall
- Make the deck into a year round "Florida room"
- Open up the Family room/Kitchen area and use part of the Dining room as a pantry
- Re-fiinish the basement and open up the stairs to the basement on the first floor...get rid of the doors and walls...use railings
- A deck out in the woods (this one WILL happen...someday!)
It's cool to have dreams...and still be able to enjoy them with the knowledge that most just aren't practical.
Quote for the day (a favorite)..."You miss 100% of the shots you never take" Wayne Gretzky
Friday, February 22, 2008
Fantastic Friday!!!
Hey! Have you seen the movie "Terminal" starring Tom Hanks? About a fellow from another country who gets stuck in NY @ the airport and lives in the terminal for months.
I felt a little bit like that today!
I flew to Milwaukee, WI early this morning and flew home this evening and never left the terminal. I rented a conference room, had several web meetings and an interview (which was the reason I went in the first place), ate a meal, made some calls and looked around.
NOT something I'd recommend to anyone... =)
I'm home now, watching MONK w/momma!!! It was a FANTASTIC Friday!
I felt a little bit like that today!
I flew to Milwaukee, WI early this morning and flew home this evening and never left the terminal. I rented a conference room, had several web meetings and an interview (which was the reason I went in the first place), ate a meal, made some calls and looked around.
NOT something I'd recommend to anyone... =)
I'm home now, watching MONK w/momma!!! It was a FANTASTIC Friday!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
A snowy Wednesday
We received 3" of snow this morning...it was cold so the snow was very fluffy! It gave me the chance to use our snow blower (since we purchased it this year, I've looked for chances to "blow snow"!!!). After I got done w/ours, I did our neighbors (Ramey's) because they both work during the day.
I made a difference in the world today by telling your Mom that she was BEAUTIFUL (and by changing a light bulb for her). Remember to make a difference in the world...everyday (the world is as small or as large as you choose to see it!).
My sinuses and tooth are doing GREAT! Thanks for asking!
I made a difference in the world today by telling your Mom that she was BEAUTIFUL (and by changing a light bulb for her). Remember to make a difference in the world...everyday (the world is as small or as large as you choose to see it!).
My sinuses and tooth are doing GREAT! Thanks for asking!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Some VERY interesting thoughts from a successful businessman with whom I served on the HC...
1. Do not confuse poor execution with an unwise strategic direction when analyzing disappointing results.
2. It is vital to look at the world the "way it is", not the way we hope or wish it to be. Always be equally, brutally honest with your achievements as with your failings.
3. The path to greatness is not without obstacles and more onerous challenges. The closer to greatness you get - even if the path is shorter, the more and more difficult it becomes. More times that not, greatness is achieved by diligently staying the course, than changing directions at the first sign of trouble.
4. Great companies have great foundations, which were built brick by brick over a period of time, without shortcuts. Remember, if the directions to bake a cake say 1) prepare the ingredients, 2) bake @ 400 degrees for 30 minutes, you will NOT get the same results if you try and bake it at @ 800 degrees for 15 minutes.
5. No amount of individual greatness can overcompensate for the lack of teamwork.
A note about #2...I believe it is IMPORTANT to have hope and a vision of the way I WANT things to be...BUT...when evaluating where I am today, being HONEST with myself is critical.
Sure love you guys...TONS!!!
I have a tooth extracted today! I'm doing groovy and a little loopy!
Todd's working on lining up a summer job...and taking the inititive. He's a good young man.
A Freshman on the Rugby club took his life last night, a few hours aftern he practiced w/our boys. Please keep him and his family and our boys in your prayers. Remembering that we are daughters and sons of a loving Heavenly Father and using that knowledge to reach out and lovingly serve one another WILL make a difference in lives (ours and others)!!
1. Do not confuse poor execution with an unwise strategic direction when analyzing disappointing results.
2. It is vital to look at the world the "way it is", not the way we hope or wish it to be. Always be equally, brutally honest with your achievements as with your failings.
3. The path to greatness is not without obstacles and more onerous challenges. The closer to greatness you get - even if the path is shorter, the more and more difficult it becomes. More times that not, greatness is achieved by diligently staying the course, than changing directions at the first sign of trouble.
4. Great companies have great foundations, which were built brick by brick over a period of time, without shortcuts. Remember, if the directions to bake a cake say 1) prepare the ingredients, 2) bake @ 400 degrees for 30 minutes, you will NOT get the same results if you try and bake it at @ 800 degrees for 15 minutes.
5. No amount of individual greatness can overcompensate for the lack of teamwork.
A note about #2...I believe it is IMPORTANT to have hope and a vision of the way I WANT things to be...BUT...when evaluating where I am today, being HONEST with myself is critical.
Sure love you guys...TONS!!!
I have a tooth extracted today! I'm doing groovy and a little loopy!
Todd's working on lining up a summer job...and taking the inititive. He's a good young man.
A Freshman on the Rugby club took his life last night, a few hours aftern he practiced w/our boys. Please keep him and his family and our boys in your prayers. Remembering that we are daughters and sons of a loving Heavenly Father and using that knowledge to reach out and lovingly serve one another WILL make a difference in lives (ours and others)!!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Tooth troubles
This was President's Day!!!
No School! The kids had a great day off.
I went to the Dentist...for an absess. Since it was on a tooth that had a crown and had been absessed 4 years ago...Dr. Bailey gave me a couple of options...each ended up w/an extraction so I opted for that. Going to have it pulled tomorrow.
Ally has a persistent sinus infection. The Dr. feels that she has been invaded by a virus from another galaxy. We'll keep you updated.
Rugby has started. Jordan and Danny are practicing in the COLD!
No School! The kids had a great day off.
I went to the Dentist...for an absess. Since it was on a tooth that had a crown and had been absessed 4 years ago...Dr. Bailey gave me a couple of options...each ended up w/an extraction so I opted for that. Going to have it pulled tomorrow.
Ally has a persistent sinus infection. The Dr. feels that she has been invaded by a virus from another galaxy. We'll keep you updated.
Rugby has started. Jordan and Danny are practicing in the COLD!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Stake Priesthood Meeting Sunday
Jordan, Daniel and I went to Stake Priesthood meeting tonight. I ALWAYS treasure the meetings I can attend w/my children...this was no exception!!!
We were reminded to AWAKEN and rise up from the dust. Wake up! My life is the Lord's! Keep moving forward, don't get caught up in the dust of living life, doing jobs.
Sunday School is a joy to teach...the kids (16 - 18 yo) are paying more and more attention. It feels so good when they listen and participate!
We were reminded to AWAKEN and rise up from the dust. Wake up! My life is the Lord's! Keep moving forward, don't get caught up in the dust of living life, doing jobs.
Sunday School is a joy to teach...the kids (16 - 18 yo) are paying more and more attention. It feels so good when they listen and participate!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Thoughts @ the end of a great day
I've reflected several times today that my life has been about doing jobs...@ work, @ home, @ Church...serving in each situation as a Priesthood man. I'm at my best when there's a job to do. It occurs to me that the Lord asks his children to serve...always, seeking him first. I'm thinking that, at least for me, I need to change my paradigm and and view seeking the Lord first as my "job" and all those other "jobs" are just situations.
Quote for the day..."You miss 100% of the shots you never take." Wayne Gretzky
Good Night!
Quote for the day..."You miss 100% of the shots you never take." Wayne Gretzky
Good Night!
Our name (so I am told) means Cabbage in German. We live in Indiana. Hence the blog name...Indiana Cabbage!
We're looking forward to keeping the extneded family up to date on activities, happenings and just plain stuff on the "home front".
Talk with you again soon!!!
Our name (so I am told) means Cabbage in German. We live in Indiana. Hence the blog name...Indiana Cabbage!
We're looking forward to keeping the extneded family up to date on activities, happenings and just plain stuff on the "home front".
Talk with you again soon!!!
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